The Romans Road to salvation is a way of explaining the good news of God’s salvation plan using verses from the Book of Romans. The Romans Road is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, and how we can receive salvation.
The Romans Road to salvation is a way of explaining the good news of God’s salvation plan using verses from the Book of Romans. The Romans Road is a simple yet powerful method of explaining why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, and how we can receive salvation.
The below presents our core “Romans Road to Salvation” illustration. It uses five verses from the book of Romans as well as various headings and commentary to amplify and simplify God’s wonderful plan of salvation.
We have all sinned. A sin is any violation of God’s 10 Commandments such as lying, stealing, hating, lusting, or coveting. The penalty of this “spiritual crime” is death, which means eternal separation from God and everlasting punishment in hell – therefore think “eternal jail.” The Bible refers to hell as the lake of fire where sinners experience eternal pain, suffering, weeping, and gnashing of teeth. Unfortunately, the Bible states this eternal “death sentence” is the only source of payment for our sins (spiritual crimes) – i.e., we cannot buy our way out nor can good deeds earn our way out.
Fortunately, there is good news! God loved us so much, he sent his Son Jesus to die in our place. Jesus was the only one with sinless blood to pay our sin debt (the Bible states sin can only be paid by sinless blood). His sacrifice – his death and shed blood – in effect paid our bail such that we can now avoid eternal prison. Jesus’ finished work is an extraordinary gift that offers everyone a way to be reconciled back to God including a “ticket-to-heaven.”
As with any gift, it must be received. The Bible states the process of receiving God’s gift of salvation involves 1) believing in one’s heart about the gift and 2) receiving it by confessing Jesus as one’s personal Lord and Savior. In other words, we must realize we are sinners, decide to turn from our sinful ways and begin following God’s ways (repentance), believe Jesus is God’s Son who died and rose from the dead, and confess Jesus as one’s personal Lord and Savior. When we do this, the Bible states we are fully forgiven, eternally saved, and adopted into God’s family! Amen!
It’s important to note there are numerous verses contained in the book of Romans that collectively explain God’s plan of salvation. And of course, there are hundreds of verses contained throughout the entire Bible to explain God’s plan of salvation, but the focus of this website – www.RomansRoad.org – is how to utilize verses solely from the book of Romans – hence the name “Romans Road” to Salvation.
So, in terms of the Romans Road to Salvation, a person can learn and share God’s plan of salvation in as few as 3-4 verses from the book of Romans (the “fast track” Romans Road to Salvation); alternatively, they can learn and share God’s plan of salvation using 10 or more verses from the book of Romans (the “slow and scenic route” Romans Road to Salvation). The typical Romans Road to Salvation gospel tract contains 4-6 verses. Of course, the more verses utilized, the more clarity and context is provided to explain God’s extraordinary plan and gift of salvation.
Below is a list of popular verses from the book of Romans that are most commonly used to explain and share God’s plan of salvation:
Another way to think of God’s plan of salvation is freedom from the chains of sin and death. In other words, Jesus’ death on the cross provided payment for all of our past, present, and future sins! The Bible states:
Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, we will never be condemned for our sins. Praise God for his incredible gift of liberty and victory!
Another way to think of God’s plan of salvation – if one chooses to believe and receive it – is the obtaining of a divine golden ticket. This special ticket is two-fold: it serves as both a ticket-out-of-jail as well as a ticket-into-heaven. Furthermore, when we accept God’s wonderful gift of salvation, our names are written in Heaven’s registry known as the “Book of Life.”
“And if anyone was found whose name was not written in the Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” Revelation 20:15
Because of Jesus’ death on our behalf, we have been rescued and redeemed, along with a golden ticket-to-heaven. Praise God!
Another way to think of God’s plan of salvation is akin to being cured of a disease. We are all born with a hereditary disease called sin (passed on generation upon generation starting with Adam & Eve). When we believe and receive Jesus’ blood sacrifice, we are accepting the “cure” to our spiritual disease called sin. When we do that, God completely eliminates the sin nature from our spirit, forgives all of our sinful acts of disobedience, and redeems us from spiritual death. This process is referred to as the rebirth or being born again, because we have been recreated and cured!
“For I was born a sinner.” Psalm 51:5
“And the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.” 1 John 1:7
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
The devil has ensnared humanity, holding us captive in a state of spiritual bondage and darkness. Just as an Amber Alert signals a desperate need for rescue, the Bible calls out to us, revealing our dire situation and the way to salvation. Through the sacrificial blood of Jesus Christ, we are offered the ultimate rescue, freeing us from the clutches of the enemy and restoring us to a life of divine grace and eternal hope.
“Then they will come to their senses and escape from the devil’s trap. For they have been held captive by him to do whatever he wants.” 2 Timothy 2:26
No. Imagine a man found guilty of stealing stood before a judge in a court of law and asked to go free because he was a “good person” (e.g., he attended church, supported charities, helped the elderly, etc.). Could that just and legal-minded judge let him go? Of course not; he’s a thief and no amount of good works can undo his punishment. In the same way, we can’t “go free” from the punishment of Hell related to for our sinful crimes (stealing, lying, lusting, hating). In fact, the Bible states all it takes is one sin (one spiritual crime) and its as if we have violated all 10 commandments.
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23
“Whoever keeps the whole law but stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” James 2:10
Romans 6:23b
If you would like to follow the Romans Road to Salvation, the following is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to express your faith and declare to God that you are relying on Jesus as your Lord and Savior and actively receiving your free gift of salvation.
“God, I know I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I now declare Jesus as my Lord and Savior and choose to live for you. Thank you for your wonderful grace and forgiveness – the gift of eternal life! In Jesus’ name, amen!”
If you would like to follow the Romans Road to Salvation, the following is a simple prayer you can pray to God. Saying this prayer is a way to express your faith and declare to God that you are relying on Jesus as your Lord and Savior and actively receiving your free gift of salvation.
“God, I know I have sinned against you and am deserving of punishment. But Jesus took the punishment that I deserve so that through faith in Him I could be forgiven. I now declare Jesus as my Lord and Savior and choose to live for you. Thank you for your wonderful grace and forgiveness – the gift of eternal life! In Jesus’ name, amen!”